On Tuesday, February 21 at 4:30 in Peabody Hall 115, Jewish Studies is sponsoring a talk "Education against Auschwitz: The Challenge of Learning about- and from- the Holocaust" by guest speaker Doyle Stevick. Dr. Stevick is the founder and director of the Anne Frank Center at the University of South Carolina. After repeatedly encountering violent racist extremism in 1999-2000, Dr. Stevick pursued a doctorate in education to better understand how people could fall for ideologies of hate, and what we can do about it. His presentation "Education against Auschwitz: The Challenges of Learning about—and from—the Holocaust" traces that exploration through the strands of hateful ideologies over the past century on both sides of the Atlantic and discusses why it is so challenging to shape and reshape students' knowledge, dispositions, and pro-social conduct. For Americans, one of the more surprising obstacles to understanding the Holocaust emerges from their experiences of race and religion. To overcome it requires cultural work. Information is also available through Instagram.